It has been many years since the Taisho era. The daily private lesson life of a merchant's daughter, Aoi and a fallen noble, Reiichirou unfolds...!? (Source: Shoujo Crusade)
Inside the jungles of Vietnam, a courageous Special Ops. Unit is fighting the most infamous war of decades past—the Vietnam War. This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant "Perky" Perkins and his unit...of rabbits! Join Rats, Perky and Botaski as they fight against the cats of the Viet Cong. From the Tet Offensive to the My Canh bombing, watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. On-human cast of characters notwithstanding, this compelling and painstakingly-researched work places an emphasis on factualism in order to accurately portray the events of the Vietnam War. With a fresh perspective on one of history's greatest calamities, Apocalypse Meow is a daring new take on a conflict that won't soon be forgotten...especially after these young rabbits are done! (Source: Manga Sketchbook)
Gyeo-Wul is back with Hyeon-Seok for this sequel to Pink Lady! Join them as they leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind, and embark on an alternate reality art history adventure through time. (Source: MU)
Follow up to Cat Shit One. The story continues to follow the three main protagonists as they became involved in various low intensity conflicts in the 1980s. Perky, now a member of the elite Delta Force, was attached to the Special Air Service and was involved in various SAS operations while Rats and Bota were invovled with the US operation in Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion. (Source: Wikipedia)
Johnathan Perkins, son of Vietnam War hero "Perky" Perkins, is an U.S. exchange officer serving in British Special Air Service (SAS). He and Sergei, a Russian Spetsnaz exchange officer, participate covert SAS actions behind enemy lines alongside British soldiers in Operation Desert Storm. (Source: ANN)
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