On an Earth where humans never existed, living creatures have divided into three realms. The Sky is a distant utopia, The Soil is governed by a tenuous union known as Terra Firma, and The Sea is an unruly expanse filled with danger and mystery. Separate sects of the sinister Squid Squad cause trouble for the scrappy Koala Underwater Tactical Elite, Terra Firma's last line of defense between The Sea and the world above. But the true threat coming their way is even stranger and deadlier than our koalas could ever imagine!
Black Star Academy is an elite-tier school of pride, prestige and potential. Its teaching methods are like no other, and its students consist of highly-talented individuals who stand among the very top of their respective fields. Andrew Haygood is a student who has managed to enrol, however, he doesn't exactly have a 'special talent'. How will he manage to cope in such a unique environment? What is it that makes this school so distinct? Will Andrew ever hope to stand out among his gifted peers?
Senior detective Mason found out that the suspect behind a scandal of a huge company is Ethan, a smart and playful young CEO. Should he keep his perfect reputation and put Ethan in jail? Or just ask him out on a date?
Yaoi series of stories about life in a boy's dorm at a high school. The main couple in the first volume is Masamoto and Izuka, who are roommates. Masamoto saves Izuka from prostitution. There is also Hiroki who is sleeping with his teacher the dorm manager. Vol.1: Breakfast Club Vol.2: Room Mate Vol.3: Bed Time Vol.4: Pillow Talk Vol.5: Door to Door (Source: MU)
Meet Bob, the Major League’s legendary cleanup batter who can’t run, can’t field, and can’t play under pressure. His experience, raunchy jokes, and the fact that no one else wants to take his position makes Bob an irreplaceable designated hitter...until he gets traded to the previous year’s division-title team, the Bulldog City Bullies. Together with his funky friends, Youngman “The One-way Runaway Train” (brawling 3rd baseman), “Stink Bug” Jo (2nd base conman), and “The Game Breaker” Jack (relief pitcher with a flea’s heart), the underdogs will reign this baseball season! (Source: SigIKKI)
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